Trusting the Journey: A Tarot Reflection on Integrity, Patience, and Belonging

October 14th, 2024 by

Dear Readers,

I wanted to share with you my tarot reading for Monday, October 13th, 2024. As always, I hope this interpretation resonates with you and inspires reflection in your own journey.

Past – Seven of Swords

“I choose the path of principle and ethics, even if it is more difficult.”

In the past position, the Seven of Swords reminds us that doing the right thing isn’t always easy. There may have been times when you faced challenges that tested your integrity, where it would have been simpler to take shortcuts or act out of self-interest. Yet, you chose the path of principle, trusting that upholding your values would serve you better in the long run.

Present – Four of Wands (Reversed)

“My time to shine will come.”

At present, you may feel as though you’re waiting for your moment of recognition, celebration, or completion. The reversed Four of Wands suggests there could be delays in reaching a milestone or in receiving the validation you’ve been working towards. However, this card encourages patience—your moment is coming, and when it does, all your hard work will be worth it.

Future – The Hierophant

“I can find belonging with people that accept me as who I am.”

Looking to the future, The Hierophant brings a message of community and belonging. You will soon find yourself surrounded by people who accept you for who you truly are. Whether through spiritual, social, or educational institutions, this card invites you to seek wisdom and connection, embracing a deeper sense of belonging with those who share your values.

This reading reminds us of the importance of staying true to ourselves, trusting in the timing of our successes, and finding our place among people who appreciate us for who we are. I hope this reflection encourages you to stay on your path with integrity and patience. Your time to shine is coming, and you’ll find a community that embraces your authentic self.

With love and light,
Jenny Toussaint

Fragments Of Identity : A Journey Of Resilience, Discovery, And Redemption by Jenny Toussaint