Left Hand Drawing:
1. Past – The Sun:
‘I feel the joy of being alive’. The Sun card in the past position signifies a time of happiness and fulfillment. It suggests recent experienced a period of great joy and contentment, where positivity and success were prevalent in your life. This card encourages carrying forward this energy and continue to embrace the brightness and warmth that life offers.
2. Present – Page of Pentacles:
‘My diligence and attention will be rewarded’.
The Page of Pentacles in the present position highlights the importance of hard work and dedication. It indicates current focused on practical matters and investing time and effort into goals. This card reassures that my persistence and careful planning will pay off, leading to future rewards and opportunities for growth.
3. Future – The Moon (Reversed):
‘Knowing my unconscious biases helps me differentiate between intuition and illusion‘.
The Moon reversed in the future position suggests a period of clarity and understanding. It indicates becoming more aware of your subconscious influences and be better equipped to discern between true intuition and deceptive illusions. This heightened awareness will help navigate future uncertainties with greater confidence and insight.
Right Hand:
1. Past – Ace of Cups: ‘I am ready to experience all the emotions that life presents me with’.
The Ace of Cups in the past position represents a time when open to new emotional experiences and connections. It signifies the beginning of a deep emotional journey, marked by love, compassion, and emotional fulfillment. This card suggests having embraced the full spectrum of emotions and allowing deep self-connect with others.
2. Present – The Hermit (Reversed): ‘In silence and solitude, I can encourage my inner voice to speak’.
The Hermit reversed in the present position indicates a need to withdraw and seek inner guidance. It suggests that you may currently feel isolated or disconnected, but this solitude can be an opportunity to listen to your inner voice and reflect on your path. Embrace this time of introspection to gain deeper insights and wisdom.
3. Future – Five of Wands: ‘Disagreements can give me the space to discuss solutions.‘
The Five of Wands in the future position signifies upcoming challenges and conflicts. However, this card also highlights the potential for growth and resolution through constructive dialogue. It encourages you to view disagreements as opportunities to discuss different perspectives and find common ground, ultimately leading to creative solutions and progress.
These readings provide valuable insights into my journey, highlighting the importance of joy, diligence, emotional openness, introspection, and constructive conflict resolution. Embrace these messages and let them guide you on your path.
As always, I encourage you to explore your own tarot readings with the Labyrinthos App and discover the wisdom it has to offer. If you’re interested in learning more about my journey, consider reading my autobiography, Fragments of Identity: A Journey of Resilience, Discovery, and Redemption.
Past – The Chariot: “I know when to exert determination and when to let go.” In the past, the Chariot represents a period of intense focus and determination. This card signifies triumph over obstacles through willpower and control. Navigated through challenges by balancing assertiveness and restraint, understanding when to push forward and when to step back. This disciplined approach has helped achieve significant goals and move past difficulties.
Present – Four of Cups (Reversed): “I can choose to be grateful for what I have.” Currently, the reversed Four of Cups indicates a shift in perspective. Emerging from a period of contemplation and dissatisfaction, beginning to recognize the blessings and opportunities around. Embracing gratitude helps break free from stagnation and find joy in the present moment. This renewed sense of appreciation opens the door to new experiences and possibilities.
Future – Seven of Cups: “I can commit to the path I choose, even if it is not perfect“.
Looking ahead, the Seven of Cups suggests being faced with many choices and possibilities. This card encourages you to carefully consider your options and commit to the path that aligns with your true desires and values. While the abundance of choices may seem overwhelming, remember that no path is perfect. By making a decision and dedicating yourself to it, you can find fulfillment and purpose.
This mid-day reading highlights a journey from determination and control in the past, to a present focus on gratitude, and a future of making thoughtful choices. Each card provides valuable insights, reminding you to balance drive with flexibility, appreciate what you have, and confidently pursue the path that resonates with your inner self.
SITUATION– The Hermit: “In silence and solitude, I can encourage my inner voice to speak.“
The Hermit signifies a time of introspection and self-reflection. Feeling the need to withdraw from the external world to seek inner wisdom and clarity. Embrace this period of solitude to connect with your inner voice and gain deeper understanding of true desires and needs. This introspection will provide valuable insights and guidance.
ACTION – Knight of Swords: “I am not afraid of confrontation when it is needed.“
The Knight of Swords represents decisive action and a willingness to confront challenges head-on. It encourages you to be assertive and proactive in addressing any issues or obstacles in your path. Use your intellect and communication skills to advocate for yourself and others, ensuring that your voice is heard. Be prepared to act swiftly and with determination, but also remain mindful of the impact your words and actions may have on others.
OUTCOME – Seven of Wands: “I defend my boundaries.“
The Seven of Wands indicates a need to stand your ground and protect your boundaries. As you face opposition or challenges, maintain your resolve and stay true to your values and beliefs. This card reminds me that perseverance and resilience are key to overcoming adversity. By defending my position with confidence and determination, I will emerge stronger and more empowered.
This nightly reading emphasizes the importance of introspection, assertiveness, and boundary-setting. The Hermit encourages me to seek inner wisdom through solitude, the Knight of Swords urges me to confront challenges boldly, and the Seven of Wands reminds me to defend boundaries with confidence. Each card offers valuable guidance to navigate the complexities of life with clarity, courage, and resilience.